#API, #AI, #SaaS #CA – cloud solutions in the leasing sector

At the e-Leasing Day 3.0 conference, Tomasz Kostrząb (Chief Technology Officer at TUATARA) and Marcin Majka (Product Owner of Fintin) talked about cloud solutions in the leasing sector.

  • Fintin – an innovative financing product
  • TUATARA's product portfolio
  • Speakers:
Tomasz Kostrząb

Tomasz Kostrząb

Chief Technology Officer, TUATARA
Marcin Majka

Marcin Majka

Product Owner, Fintin

Fintin – an innovative financing solution for the leasing sector

During the presentation, we showcased our latest product – Fintin. It is a set of ready-to-implement modules, enabling reliable and flexible provision of financing services in the digital space, using API Economy.

In Marcin’s presentation, we meet a client  Bruno  and go through the entire financing process with him.

With this demo you will discover exactly the way Fintin works as an innovative cloud solution in the leasing sector.

Enabling customers, who are now increasingly and willingly turning to mobile apps rather than using traditional solutions, forces financiers today to implement more mobile apps. Such apps that will allow them not only to track invoices or the status of their applications, but also installment payments. In our case, due to the fact that Bruno financed not only in leases, but in loans and insurance, he can pay off his entire obligations with one click in the app. Marcin Majka

TUATARA’s product portfolio 

In the second part of the presentation, Tomasz talks about the products and solutions that TUATARA can offer to your business.

In addition, Tomasz Kostrząb briefly talked about TUATARA’s origins, so if you want to know where our name came from, you will find out from the anecdote told by him. 

Nowadays it’s hard to make a plan for five years. Of course, you have to have a goal and strive for it, because without a goal any path will take you somewhere, but then you don’t know where you will find yourself in a few years. So the goal is an important part. On the other hand, the ability to adapt to the changing environment and processes is also crucial. Tomasz Kostrząb

  • Fintin – an innovative financing product
  • TUATARA's product portfolio
  • Speakers:
Tomasz Kostrząb

Tomasz Kostrząb

Chief Technology Officer, TUATARA
Marcin Majka

Marcin Majka

Product Owner, Fintin
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